Published : 2018-12-17

Polska muzyka narodowa. Pojęcie, funkcja i środki muzyczne

Zofia Chechlińska


In connection with the concept of equating the traditional with the national – widespread during the nineteenth century – I describe the elements which Polish composers used to impart a national character to their music and point to the distinctiveness and specificity in this area of the music of Fryderyk Chopin. Based on analysis of a range of musical examples, I advance the thesis that the national character of music lies within the domain of reception, and not the actual structure of a work, and that the use of elements of traditional music is not a sufficient factor for the reception of a work in national terms. Crucial during the nineteenth century were a composer’s nationality and his attitude towards the problems of his own nation, as well as the national character of art.


national music, national art, the metric and rhythmic properties of dances, traditional folk melodies, national identity, Polish dances, tempo rubato, modal scales, mazurkas, Chopin




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Chechlińska, Z. (2018). Polska muzyka narodowa. Pojęcie, funkcja i środki muzyczne. Studia Chopinowskie, 2(2), 4–15.

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