Published : 2019-06-15

Powrót serca Fryderyka Chopina do Warszawy w 1945 roku. Konteksty polityczny i prawnoekonomiczny w świetle dokumentów

Maciej Kijowski


The Return of Fryderyk Chopin’s Heart to Warsaw in 1945: The Political, Legal and Economic Contexts in Light of the Documents This article represents a commentary to a series of reproduced documents relating to the arrival in Warsaw on 17 October 1945 of Fryderyk Chopin’s heart. It is likely that some of those documents, from the Archive of the Council of Ministers, have never been published before. As a lawyer, the author discusses the documents and the 1945 ceremony from the legal and economic points of view, as well as referring to the broad political context.


Fryderyk Chopin, heart, Bolesław Bierut, Antoni Szlagowski, Warsaw, Milanówek




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Kijowski, M. (2019). Powrót serca Fryderyka Chopina do Warszawy w 1945 roku. Konteksty polityczny i prawnoekonomiczny w świetle dokumentów. Studia Chopinowskie, 3(1), 72–81.

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Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina
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