Published : 2019-12-14

Struktura frazy we wczesnych dziełach Chopina w świetle nauki Elsnera

Halina Goldberg


Phrase structure of Chopin’s early worlds in light of Elsner’s instruction The author examines Chopin’s innovative approaches to rhythm and phrase structure in light of ideas promulgated by his composition teacher, Józef Elsner. Consideration is given to Elsner’s writings on music theory and aesthetics, in particular his unpublished treatise ‘Rozprawa o melodyi i śpiewie’, which contains the essence of Elsner’s university lectures attended by Chopin. Several passages from Chopin’s compositions are discussed in relation to concepts he learned from Elsner.


Chopin rhythm, Chopin phrase structure, Chopin education, Józef Elsner pedagogy




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Goldberg, H. (2019). Struktura frazy we wczesnych dziełach Chopina w świetle nauki Elsnera. Studia Chopinowskie, 4(2), 32–41.

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