Published : 2023-03-16

Maria Szymanowska and the Style Brillant

Irena Poniatowska


Maria Szymanowska, the greatest Polish pianist of the pre-Chopin era, and also a composer, represents the Classical-pre-Romantic period in Polish music, which Tadeusz Strumiłło termed sentimentalism. Her output as a whole is a typical manifestation of transitional periods, in which the elements of an old style do not always combine harmoniously with innovative means. But her creation of the first Polish etudes and preference for piano miniatures shows that Szymanowska belonged to the current of change marked by the development of Classical textual means into the so-called brillant style and by the expressive tendencies of sentimentalism or nascent romanticism. The present article discusses compositional means typical of this transitional period, taking selected piano works by Szymanowska as examples, without losing sight of obvious analogies with the output of Chopin.


Maria Szymanowska, brilliant style, 19th-century piano music, piano miniature




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Poniatowska, I. (2023). Maria Szymanowska and the Style Brillant. Studia Chopinowskie, 9(1-2), 42–57.

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