Published : 2024-07-16

Digital Generation of Scores for Fryderyk Chopin’s Compositions

Laurent Pugin

Jacek Iwaszko


Digital Generation of Scores for Fryderyk Chopin’s Compositions

In 2017–2021, the Fryderyk Chopin Institute conducted the project ‘Chopin Heritage in Open Access’. One of the branches of the project was the creation of digital music editions. The Humdrum format was used to encode Fryderyk Chopin’s legacy, while the Verovio open-source software library developed by RISM Digital Center was responsible for generating the engravings. The cooperation between NIFC and RISM consisted in developing of the Verovio library so that it became possible to display correctly and aesthetically the graphic scores on the website. This article describes the difficulties encountered in rendering piano music, Chopin’s compositions in particular, as well as methods of dealing with them. Issues that are still waiting to be implemented are also indicated.




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Pugin, L., & Iwaszko, J. (2024). Digital Generation of Scores for Fryderyk Chopin’s Compositions. Studia Chopinowskie, 11(1), 48–67.

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