Published : 2024-07-16

Dziedzictwo muzyki polskiej – digitalizacja, opracowanie i perspektywy badawcze

Marcin Konik


Heritage of Polish Music – digitalization, development, and research perspectives

In the study of large corpora of musical works, regardless of whether we define them as a collection of compositions by a given composer, works cultivated in a specific center or in a specific period, it is important to have a possibly representative number of appropriately prepared material for analysis. This article discusses the process of creating a comprehensive database of sources along with their digital transcriptions and the resulting new research opportunities and perspectives. All the indicated examples as well as the characteristics of the work methodology used are based on the experience of the Chopin Institute in the implementation of two projects financed by the European Union: (1) Chopin Heritage in Open Access and Heritage of Polish Music in Open Access. These projects were implemented in 2017–2021 and 2018–2022, respectively. As a result, two portals and separate pages were created where digital transcriptions are available.


digital musicology, computer assisted analysis, digital editions, rism




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Konik, M. (2024). Dziedzictwo muzyki polskiej – digitalizacja, opracowanie i perspektywy badawcze. Studia Chopinowskie, 11(1), 22–47.

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