Published : 2024-07-16

Searching the Notes – All of Them: The Josquin Research Project

Jesse Rodin


Searching the Notes—All of Them: The Josquin Research Project

To understand a musical corpus one must attend to its details. But musical details are no toriously hard to control: without months or even years of close study, how can one know if a given melodic gesture is rare or commonplace, a given contrapuntal progression mys terious or mundane? This essay introduces the Josquin Research Project (http://, a tool for exploring a central repertory of polyphonic music, ca. 1420–1520. A series of case studies shows how digital resources can facilitate finely tuned musical search and analysis of a sort that is otherwise all but impossible—and how research of this kind can profitably change our engagement with musical corpora.


Josquin, authorship, editing, digital humanities, fifteenth-century music




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Rodin, J. (2024). Searching the Notes – All of Them: The Josquin Research Project. Studia Chopinowskie, 11(1), 4–21.

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