Published : 2023-04-27

The competition as an ‘exchange’ of values: An aesthetic and existential perspective

Anna Chęćka


In a music competition, victory is never unequivocal. Such a competition is a rivalry not just of artistic personalities, but also of the aesthetic values manifested through performances, which are measured and compared, often leading to relativisation. The performances of one candidate can be devalued compared with those of others. So are we dealing more often with the devaluation of one performance compared to another, or with the instability of the assessment criteria and changing circumstances to the issuing of the value judgement? While questions of an aesthetic nature can be considered in isolation from the interpreter of a musical work, that does not apply when we look at the ‘value exchange’ of a competition from the perspective of a gifted and sensitive performer engaged in rivalry.


piano, competition, value, experience




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Chęćka, A. (2023). The competition as an ‘exchange’ of values: An aesthetic and existential perspective. Chopin Review, (1), 6–19.

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